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We have supported researchers and institutions since 2012 with a broad spectrum of services.

We have a broad experience with facilitating the development of new research strategies and collaborative projects. Examples of past assignments include:

Elevate Scientific made important contributions during the startup phase of the Strategic Research Network in Circulation and Metabolism at Linköping University (LiU-CircM). Members of the network have highly appreciated the particular skills of Elevate Scientific regarding facilitation of meetings and workshops as well as grant writing support (both group-based and on individual basis). We will definitely continue to use their services.

– Lena Jonasson, Professor and Chair of LiU-CircM

Over the years, we have worked on many types of applications for funding from national, EU and private funders, and have helped secure over 300 million euros in funding. Examples of funders we have helped secure funding from include:

  • European Research Council (ERC) – ERC StG, CoG, AdG and Syn
  •  H2020
  • Vetenskapsrådet/Swedish Research Council –Project grants, Starting grants, Research project grants (3R)
  • Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation – Research projects, Wallenberg Academy Fellows
  • Formas – Realizing the sustainable development goals scheme
  • Novo Nordisk Foundation – center funding (CBMR, CPR), funding for national facility (cryo-EM)
  • LEO Foundation – center funding (LFCCDD)

I am convinced that inputs provided by Elevate Scientific was of major importance for our success in achieving a large project grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. I strongly recommend their services.

Anders Tunlid, Professor, Lund University

We have helped hundreds of researchers over the years communicate their research findings in some of the world’s most respected journals. Examples of journals we have helped publish papers in include:

  • Nature, Nature Medicine, Nature Immunology, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
  • PNAS, Nature Communications, Science Advances
  • Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters, Small, Optics Express
  • Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Electronics, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Electronic Materials
  • Cell, Molecular Cell
  • PLoS Biology, Environmental Microbiology, Communications Biology, Current Biology
  • Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research, European Heart Journal, Cancer Immunology Research

Elevate Scientific has helped us prepare Horizon2020 applications and research papers. They are highly efficient and professional and strive to get a deep understanding of the subject. I highly recommend researchers at all levels to use their services for important applications and papers.

Anders Rosengren, MD PhD, Lund University

Our communications support has ranged from developing communication strategies and specific communications (e.g. press releases, brochures, infographics), to end-to-end development of major reports.

One publicly available example of the latter is the 2015 annual report of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen. For this project we:

  • Held a facilitation workshop to help the management reflect on the center’s raison d’être and revisit and strengthen the center’s identity
  • Developed the creative and editorial concept for the report
  • Directed the writing process
  • Helped shape the text by substantive editing, feedback, and copyediting
  • Developed illustrations
  • Designed the report
  • Produced and printed the final product

Elevate Scientific made me realize the power of incisive and targeted communication, and how much I still have to learn in this regard. Specifically, they taught me that good communication is never a given or complete ability; instead, it always evolves – like good science, which also is a constant approximation of knowledge about how nature works. This clearly reflects the strong scientific background of the Elevate Scientific staff led by its founder, Dan Csontos, and their ability to combine detailed insight into a given area of science with a very broad knowledge of funding and editorial policies. In addition, they have excellent sense for the receiving end of a given communication, and what needs to be done to get the message across. By guiding me in how to best communicate specific (often very specialized) research findings to a broader audience, Elevate Scientific made me discover facets of our work that otherwise could have stayed concealed, and thus literally helped me become a better scientist. I am extremely grateful for this eye-opening experience.

Jiri Lukas, Professor & Executive Director, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen

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